Marketing Database Secrets on a Budget to Outsmart Top B2B Companies

Executives at companies often wonder why does it cost so much to rent or purchase data of targeted B2B lists?  It isn’t uncommon to be charged a $300/M base charge alone for 1X use of a targeted B2B email list or $1.00 per record to purchase this kind of data.  Even at these prices, you are lucky if you have 90% accuracy of the email data.

Through experience, I have found ways to obtain even better quality targeted data for a fraction of the cost. It can often start by identifying the types of companies, job titles, and # of employees/company sales volume you are interested in.  There are some great list sources out there where you can purchase this type of data on a budget, often where you can even specify the types of technologies used. Give thought to if you want to limit the number of  contacts per company and if you want certain contacts defaulting to other contacts.  Be sure to suppress your other lists including your housefile to only pay for what you need and use a trusted email verification service.

You can often find great leads online.  Have your prospect list or housefile matched up against primary sources online, such as LinkedIn and company websites with the desired job titles for the decision makers and influencers you need to reach.  You may even be able to find great prospects online of members of associations that would be great targets.  Don’t be surprised if you need to obtain their phone numbers and email addresses since associations often don’t publish this data online to guard against member complaints.

Don’t be surprised if you can also find a list of attendees online at an expensive tradeshow you’d like to exhibit at but may not have the budget for.  If this list doesn’t have all the necessary data (e.g. email addresses and phone numbers), with a little ingenuity, you can likely find this data you need.

Create a master database of prospects from all sources (e.g. inactive customers, tradeshow leads and attendees, targeted association members,  LinkedIn profiles of those you want to reach, leads from niche databases, and purchased lists meeting your criteria).   Segment them based upon your needs and send them the right targeted messaging at the right time and watch your sales and profits soar.  Also finding a good list broker is like hitting gold.  They can help you rent very targeted lists that are difficult to build.

About Mark Gottlieb

Accomplished, out-of-the-box thinking, marketing executive with a proven record of helping start up to Fortune 500 companies penetrate domestic and overseas markets. Adept at using direct marketing, social media, and MARCOM to accomplish company goals.
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